
AQUALYX™ fat removal treatment

AQUALYX™ is one of the most popular and effective fat removal and mesotherapy Icons Clinic offers. It is for those who want to loose fat at stubborn areas of the body.

The human body naturally stores fat, subcutaneous fat, in order to supply energy in times of need.

Every body distributes the subcutaneous body fat by a genetically determined pattern. In almost all cases this inherent distribution cannot be remedied by a special diet or increased physical exercise.

AQUALYX™ injections are very effective and is a non-invasive treatment for face and body sculpting. If you do not want invasive surgery and cannot afford the down time and discomfort of invasive liposuction, this is a great treatment to consider.

AQUALYX™ is an injectable, hydrous,micro-gelantuoussolution, which is biocompatible and biodegradable. It causes the dissolution of fat cells, after which the body then expels the released fatty acids naturally.

AQUALYX™ is a complex containing detergent from the desoxycholate family that has been physically modified in order to reduce the biological half-life and the sugar-based slow release system results in minimal side effects.


Fat Dissolving Injections


Fat Dissolving Injections


Fat Dissolving Injections